

Mozilla flavored Reveal.js

What's in this Fork?

This fork contains the usual features and themes offered by revealjs whith the addition of Mozilla themes based on the official styleguides.


For now, we have added these themes (Clic to preview):
Polychromatic - Monochromatic - One Mozilla (legacy)


you can use this fork by running :

$ bower install moz-reveal.js


Please consider contributing to this repository with matters that concerns the Mozilla themes, for global features you would prefer to pull request to hakimel/reveal.js

  1. Install Node.js (1.0.0 or later)
  2. Clone the moz-reveal.js repository
  3. $ git clone
  4. Navigate to the reveal.js folder
  5. $ cd reveal.js
  6. Install dependencies
  7. $ npm install
  8. Serve the presentation and monitor source files for changes
  9. $ npm start
  10. Open http://localhost:8000/demo.html to view your presentation

File and dirs architecture

css/theme/mozilla       #Mozilla specific style
├── fonts               #Open Sans
├── images              #Branding Logo and icons
├── settings.scss       #Declaration of Mozilla Branding colors and styles
├── styles              #Css call to the fonts
└── theme.scss          #Overrides to include the tabzilla
css/theme/source/       #scss implentation of the themes
├── mozilla-poly.scss   #scss of polychromatic theme
├── ...                 #More themes goes here
├── ...                 
└── one-mozilla.scss    #scss of legacy theme


Create a mozilla-mytheme.scss file under css/theme/source/, alter any of the Mozilla- prefixed variables.

in demo.html change
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/theme/mozilla-poly.css" id="theme">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/theme/mozilla-mytheme.css" id="theme">

revisit http://localhost:8000/demo.html


Feedbacks are really aprecaited, please let us know about your thoughts by email .

If you spot any issue or incompatibity please do not hesitate to open an issue at moztn/reveal.js